March Blog Give-Away: 20 Cookie Cutters from Sweet Art Factory! — CookieCrazie

March Blog Give-Away: 20 Cookie Cutters from Sweet Art Factory!

It's already March of the way through the month. does that happen?!

I'm excited to offer you theCookieCrazie March Blog Give-Away!

has offered to send 20 (yes that is correct.....TWENTY) cookie cutters of the winner's choice
to 2 (TWO) winners of the CookieCrazie March Blog Give-Away!!!!

Think of the possibilities with the over 400 cutters Sweet Art Factory offers!

For Spring..............

For Graduation.....

For Father's Day......

For various birthdays.....

For a t-shirt, golf shirt, football jersey, dress shirt for Dad, etc etc etc....

All the above photos are the property of Jill Foster - Sweet Art Factory and should not be reproduced without her permission.

As you can see there are lots to choose from and narrowing it down to twenty cutters might actually be difficult. lol But I trust that most of us wouldn't mind working out that kind of hardship. ;)

There are THREE ways to enter the Sweet Art Factory March Blog Give-Away:

1) Have a look through the Sweet Art Factory cookie cutter collection and find your top three favorite cookie cutters. Come back here to share them with me in the comments  Be sure to leave your email address with your comment. 

2) Follow the CookieCrazie blog by clicking on the Google "Follow" button on the right side bar. It looks like this:
Then return to this post and leave me a comment that you are following the blog. (For those that have previously done so, leave me a comment saying so.) Be sure to leave your email address with your comment.

3) Send a link about this give-away through your Facebook or Twitter wall or add Cookie Crazie to your blog list. And if you are unable to do any of these, send out a message to your friends and family telling them about the blog giveaway. Then return here leaving me a comment on how you shared the news of the give-away with others. Be sure to leave your email address with your comment.

You MUST leave your email address in order to enter the blog give-away. No contact information disqualifies your entry.......only because there would be no way to let you know you won!

Entries will only be accepted as comments on this particular blog post "March Blog Give-Away: 20 Cookie Cutters from Sweet Art Factory!". Comments on any other blog post will not enter you into the give-away.

Each person is only allowed THREE entries into the give-away (as outlined above).

Make sure each entry is a separate comment in order to count as three entries.

The acceptance of entries ends at midnight (CST), Sunday, March 13, 2011

I will use to choose the winner.
A big thank you to my friend, Jill, for offering such a generous give-away.

Blog Give-Away Closed.
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