Sand 'N Surf — Blog — CookieCrazie

Sand 'N Surf

Sand 'N Surf: Cookie Sandcastle (Tutorial)

To make a cookie sandcastle you will need:

 The cookie shapes and sizes are completely up to you.
I "googled" sandcastles and decided on a two tower castle
with a large rectangle base and then squares, circles, and triangles stacked on top. 
(Note, I put holes in all the smaller cookies thinking I would put my toothpick flags into the holes, 
but in the end,  I didn't use the they are not necessary.)

I like to line up the cookies in the order I am going to stack them together.

Use Sand-Colored 10-Second Glaze to glue the pieces together.

Allow the cookie sandcastle to dry for an hour or two before
covering the entire castle in Sand-Colored 10-Second Glaze.

Place the still-wet castle (parchment paper and all) into a deep
container that will contain all the Demerara Sugar you will pour over it.

I made some tiny flags with toothpicks, colored paper, and 
scrap booking double-sided glue tabs.

 I attached to the back of the towers and used 
extra glaze to glue them securely.

Sand 'N Surf: Cookie Beach Umbrellas (Tutorial)

To make a cookie beach umbrella, you will need: 

You can use a plain round or fluted circle cutter for the umbrella. 
On the underside of the cookie, use your cookie stick
and make an indention that will hold the stick later. (see photo below)
Add additional cookie dough to the top of the cookie
to form a "cone shape" like a real umbrella.

 Once baked and cooled, 
turn the cookie upside down (see the indented hole for the stick?)
and outline and flood the underside.
I chose white glaze for the underside, but you can use whatever color you'd like.
Allow cookie to dry for a several hours.

Turn cookie right side up and outline and flood it.
You can do a pattern, or just make it one solid color.
 Allow it to dry overnight.

For set up, add some glaze to the end of the stick and 
"glue" it into the umbrella top.

Sand 'N Surf Cookie Collection

Sand 'N Surf: Cookie Sand Bucket (Tutorial)

To make a cookie sand bucket you'll need:

  • 2 mini Round Cookies (mine were 1" diameter)
  • 1 larger mini Round Cookie (mine was 1-1/2" diameter)
  • 1 largest mini Round Cookie (mine was 2" diameter)
  • Sand Bucket Colored 10-Second Glaze
  • Demerara Sugar ("sand")

 Use whatever sized mini round cutters you have.
The main thing to note is you need 2 small, 1 medium, and 1 "large".
Cut the center out of the larger round cookie.
Ignore the "handle" cookie. It didn't work. :(

Glue the bucket pieces together with glaze.
Two smallest on bottom,
then add the medium cookie,
and finally the large "ring" cookie.

Turn the pail upside down and 
cover all side surfaces with glaze.
Allow to dry for a couple of hours.

Turn bucket upright and add glaze to top rim 
and the inside "dip".

Allow to dry for a few minutes.....
and then add a pile of Demerara Sugar on the top of the bucket.

 So what is Demerara Sugar?
"Demerara sugar is a type of unrefined sugar with a large grain and a pale to golden yellow color.
It is suitable for a number of cooking and baking projects, and tends to be very popular as a sweetener
for tea and coffee..... 
It is extracted primarily from sugar cane rather than sugar beets,
and tends to be more expensive than refined sugars as a result.
The minimal processing gives demerara sugar a unique flavor and texture."
definition from wiseGEEK

The main thing to note.......
Demerara Sugar is awesome as SAND on cookies! :)

Sand 'N Surf: Cookie Palm Tree (Tutorial)

To make a cookie Palm Tree you will need:

  • 8  mini Round Cookies (mine were 1-1/8")
  • 3  slightly larger Round Cookies (mine were 1-3/8")
  • 2 Point-y Flower or Star Cookies
  • Dark Brown 10-Second Glaze
  • Tan 10-Second Glaze
  • Green 10-Second Glaze

 The size of your mini round cookies does not have to be the same as mine.
I just used the cutters that I had.
The main thing is to have about three cookies that are slightly
larger than the original eight mini-sized cookies you use.

Ignore the leaf cookies in these photos. They didn't end up working.....
 Outline & Flood the "back side" of the flower or star cookies with green glaze.
Allow to dry for a few hours.

Assemble your round cookies
in the order you want them stacked as the palm tree trunk.
The larger circles give it that uneven "wonky" look. ;)

"Glue" the stack of rounds together with dark brown glaze.
Place something next to them to hold them upright.
(Avoid the loud "plunk" sound I heard from across the house when mine fell over!)
Allow them a few hours dry time.

Cover the trunk in dark brown glaze.
After 20-30 minutes, add some tan glaze accents.

Turn the flower/stars over and flood the "top side" with green glaze.

Allow the trunk and palms to dry several hours or overnight.
"Glue" the palms on top of the trunk.

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