CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 19, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 19, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

The wedding was wonderful!
It was so nice to have the whole family home.....and enjoy the union of Joe & Jill.

The weekend went by in a flash......and suddenly everyone went back to their homes.....
and I was back in the house alone.
It's such a stark contrast.

But......I had already baked up some cookies and got crackin' early Monday morning.
I did a fun glamor set this navy and fuschia.....same colors as Jill's wedding.
I tried so many techniques, textures, and methods that it had my head spinning at times.
But then.....I never do anything easy. haha
The collection is now complete and I'm very happy with it.

Next week I'll decorate some more fall cookies.
There are so many designs and shapes I want to's hard to get them all in.


Instagram photos for this week:

These are part of Jill & Joe's boxed wedding set I'll give them tomorrow.
(See what I did there? 😉)
We are CRAZIE excited about the weekend of memories we are about to make.

Today is it......Happy Wedding Day to Joe & Jill! 

And now begins the happily ever after..... 

Colorful, crisp, and crunchy.... 
Don't you just love this time of year?

Fall is in the air......remembering with a set from last year.


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