CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 3, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 3, 2014

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page

CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Our Christmas couldn't have been better.
I'm so happy to have made so many memories with my family.
We had games, presents, food, Nativity Story (DVD) a Christmas Eve tradition, singing,
birthday dinner out at Cheesecake Factory.
It was all glorious.

Sunday we took down the 12' foot tree......
Monday and Tuesday I took down the rest of the trees and all the decorations.
The whole time I was putting it away.....I was thinking maybe it was too much for next year!
We'll see....

I worked New Years Day.
It wasn't as quiet and lazy in the hospital lab as it had been on Christmas Day.
Oh's over and I've got one of my two holidays done for 2014.

We had snow last night.......
And we may get some more this weekend.
I'm a snow this is a treat for me. :)

My youngest son, Keith, leaves Monday to go back to college in Florida.
Our high temperature is supposed to be 4 degrees that day!
He will be happy to go back to 70 degree weather. haha

It's time for me to get back into the normal groove.
Next week I'll start back to cookies again.
I'm going to do one last collection of winter/snowman cookies.
Then Valentines Day cookies will begin the following week.

I received lots of cookie cutters and supplies for Christmas.
Plus.....I had a brain storm idea about a week ago of something I want to try.
If it could really make for some awesome cookie decorating. :) we come....

Instagram photos for this week:

Getting ready for our big Christmas celebration.....tomorrow night and all day Saturday.
Working non-stop in the kitchen with the Christmas music blaring!
So excited!!!!

Another view.....another set of trees....haha. :)
Merry Christmas everyone! 

Oh how fun is this!
Thanks everyone.....for a very good year on Instagram. :)

My favorite set of gingers this season....

Silent Night......caroling together for our Christmas Eve.

A sweetly wrapped from my new DIL with the cutest snowman sled ornament
to add to my snowman tree. :)

 Birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory!
What a wonderful weekend. :)

It's almost like a Christmas tree quilt!
Oh the ideas I have for 2014.
What a blessing to have the new year to anticipate. :)

It's been a very good year for CookieCrazie.
Thanks for taking the journey with me.
May 2014 be even more amazing!
#flipagram made with @flipagramapp 

Yes.....this is a box stuffed full of cutters from Truly Mad Plastics and
some gorgeous double-sided square cutters.
My family knows how to spoil me for Christmas!!

Ummmm.... This is one of the greatest "presents" I gave myself this season.
Dry, cracked, burning, miserable hands are a thing of the past for me this winter. :)
(I ordered it on Amazon, but you can also get it at CVS Stores, Lowes, or Home Depot.)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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