CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 9, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 9, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

My oven is operational again.
That means I could bake cookies this week.

I chose to do birthday cookies.....just because I think that is a popular cookie occasion.
Plus I just got a few new birthday-related cutters I was anxious to use.
I can not wait to show you. :)

Family time last weekend was amazing.
Lots of memories and good times. :)
Only one bad thing.....the time together seemed so short.

Keith leaves for college today.......
He and my daughters are Florida-bound.
The girls are making a whirlwind weekend trip.....
to help out their brother AND see the beach.
I guess I'm getting old.....but I have NO desire to drive 18 hours
and then turn around and come right back the next day. ;)

Next week.....I'm moving on to baby boy cookies.
Can you envision mustaches, ties, and bow ties?
Again.....more new cutters that are dying to be used. hee hee

Summer is winding down.
School is about ready to start.
Oh how time flies faster and faster, huh?

Instagram photos for this week:

There's just something about buntings that I just can't get enough of.... :)

Yesterday's family photo shoot.....I love my kids! :)

A little sweet congratulations on it's way to David this week. :)

One of my faves of the family photo shoot.....the mama hug. :)

There's always something to celebrate..... :)

Details.....details :)


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