CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 12, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 12, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

I had lots of fun doing birthday cookies this week.
After a week break, it was nice to get back in the kitchen.
I used my grain free sugar cookie recipe.......and was happy with the results.

The Bible study for the Ukraine women's retreat is slowly coming along.
Each day the pieces continue to fall into place more.

Only 7 weeks until I leave. 
I'm so excited....I can hardly stand it. :)

We had very summer-y weather this week with 80 degree temps and 
the need to turn on the AC for a little while to cool down the house.
Then we had massive thunderstorms with a tornado within 15 miles of us on Wednesday.
And now we have chilly temps again......down in the 30s this morning.
I've gone to every area of my closet this week for clothes. haha

Next week......I'm going to try to do some Mothers Day cookies.
I've got to get ahead since I'll be gone for nearly a month in June......

Instagram photos for this week:

Fun April Showers cookies from last year.....

Raindrop cookies

My first grain free cookie order. Excited!

One of my favorite spring photos from last year. :)

Grain free cookies for a little girl's birthday.... 
I'm so happy with the progress. :)

 I went a little crazy with the candles. She's only turning 2. ;)

 Mmmmmm....Hobby Lobby is an enabler.
I should never come here right before a cookie photo shoot!

Cakes, presents, and flowers... the birthday fun continues....

She's turning two. :)

Ugh. Everyone is at church in one room under cover.

Tornado is in our path......

 Just a few candles on the cake. ;)

Birthday fun.....simple and colorful.


Last CookieCrazie chatter....

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