CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 8, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 8, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

My computer has been critically ill this week. :(
I've been nursing it for a few months now.
And now it only let's me run it on safe mode.
That means I'm super limited on what I can do.
Talk about frustrating.....

I've been toying with the idea of getting a laptop for a few months now.....just because of the portability.
Being a blogger, I need everything at hand to keep up with it.
An iPad is wonderful.....but mainly for entertaining stuff....not as much for productivity.

So I took the plunge. I ordered a laptop.
It arrives next week some time.
That means between now and when I learn to use my crazie new computer......
I'm going to be limping a bit.
I feel like I've got an arm and a leg tied behind me.
How could something reek so much havoc?
Who would think a crazie electronic instrument could have that much control?! haha

But despite the computer woes, I've gotten to do lots of fun cookies this week.
I moved to spring and other projects.
Bumble bees.....hives....and more. :)

Next week, I hope to start some work on Easter-related cookies.
But then again.....I may have my head in a new laptop going CRAZIE! ;)

Instagram photos for this week:

Cookies with a message.....

 Color fun!

Remember those dotty hearts? They got all dressed up. :)

 Our first real snow of the season.
I was beginning to wonder if we were going to miss out again this year. :)

Quilted cookie message....

Three-color Wet-on-wet Hearts :)

They are all baked and waiting for me to decorate them... 
But I have to go to work training today instead. sigh.....

Guess what I'm building today? :)

I was afraid bumble bee colors were going to be too bland,
but I've changed my mind now that I've gotten to play with patterns. :)

Beeeeeee Mine?


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