CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, September 21, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, September 21, 2012



I just heard that Karen & Mike are down to a short waiting list.
So if you missed getting a ticket.....get on their waiting list
because the deadline for refunds is coming up
and they anticipate they will have some openings after that.

There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review

Random Cookie Shapes


Personal Side
Another week.....and it has been a busy one.
I am SO THANKFUL I've felt better this week.
I'm still not over this stupid cough and congestion, 
but at least I don't feel rotten along with it. 
Warning......coughing attacks can happen at any random time. heehee

I'm going to visit my sister next week......
so most of the cookies I made this week were made to surprise her family. :)
I LOVE to give this will be so fun.

Unfortunately......I took on more than I should have.
I have a CHRONIC problem.
I always want to do things bigger and better than last time.
And THEN I decide to do too many different designs at one time. :0)
This time it was 4 collections with 20 different cookies.
Absolutely no doubt at all. hee hee

Well.....the good news is.....I got them done!
I even got the photos done this afternoon.
And boy, am I beat!
But it's worth it. 
Next week I'll get to see those faces of cookie joy......
TOTALLY worth it. :)

Instagram photos for this week:


I've done them before..... I'll do them again. I like 'em. :)

Allison's birthday lunch....she and Jill got strawberry lemonade and cherry limeade. :)
I love these girls.......LOTS!

My "planning list" for the week.
Since I was doing boxed sets, this is how I did my planning. ;)

An opened sunroof kind-of-day. ♥

Do you ever feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew?
Ummmm...that was me on Wednesday. : /

Day 1 of decorating complete. Had to just take one step at a time.
(All I can think of is Dory in Finding Nemo saying,
"Just keep swimming......just keep swimming.....
just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. lol)

Betcha you've never seen a pumpkin "patch" quite like this one, have ya? ;)

Day 2 of intense LONG Thursday......but they are done.
YEAH! I can breathe again. lol

Out shopping on Friday......Jackpot!
So many cookie cutters I'd never seen before (and I thought I'd seen most, haha).

 Basket of pumpkins.....


Last week's chatter....

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