CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, September 14, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, September 14, 2012



I just heard that Karen & Mike are down to a short waiting list.
So if you missed getting a ticket.....get on their waiting list
because the deadline for refunds is coming up
and they anticipate they will have some openings after that.

There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Can you believe I've still been sick all this week too.
Ugh! I'm so tired of it.
AND.....I'm so tired. ;)
But I think I've finally turned the corner yesterday.
I'm feeling some better today and hope that I will finally be DONE with this!

Sadly, Kyle & Allison have been sick with this stupid cold all week.
I'm so sad I gave it to them. :(

Allison turns 19 today.
Happy Birthday Allison!
Since she's not a big fan of sugar cookies......
I decided not to make cookies for her.
Instead, we'll buy a yummy ice cream cake.
We're taking her out to lunch on Sunday. :)

I've been getting ahead on my fall cookies. Yeah!
My goal is to spend part of October designing
Christmas cookies ahead of time.
I always feel so rushed in December, 
so it would be fun to really concentrate on Christmas cookies
without any other distractions.

Instagram photos for this week:


Enjoying a rainy Friday evening on the porch with some hot tea....

 My planning "list" for the week....

Don't these shapes make your heart sing "I LOVE fall!" heehee 

Major construction going on Tuesday.
Wasn't sure it was going to work.......but it did! worked! Can't wait to show you the finished product.


Anticipating the job of adding finishing touches.
Love that part!

Uh oh! Mr. Squirrel dropped his acorn by the tree stump.

Pumpkins 4 Sale

Last week's chatter....

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