CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, August 10, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, August 10, 2012

It's been a whole month since I've done a CCChatter.
Time to catch up. :)



Don't give up on CookieCon.
I'm hearing that some on the waiting list are getting tickets.
If you missed getting a ticket.....get on the waiting list.
You never know what might happen. :)
There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.

Ocala Cake Club, Inc.
September 29-30, 2012 
Courtyard by Marriott 3712 SW 38th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474

Presenters include:
PH Delites, Melanie Judge  
Cookie artist "Linedancer", Carole Firstenberger
Lisa Menz  
Special Presentation from Photofrost 
Jane Koon   
I have the honor and privilege to present workshops at this event.
 Check out all the information HERE

It's not too late to sign up for this event. 
I'd love to meet you. :)


CookieCrazie's Week Month! in Review
At Last......Cookie Boxes (Updated to include Box Links)


Personal Side

The Ukraine trip was a HUGE success.
So many great things happened.
I can't possibly describe it all here,
so instead I will share the links to all my blog posts
in case you are interested in reading our adventures.
And even this week, I heard one of the best stories  from our trip
from a lady who attended the women's camp.
Her daughter lives here in the States and 
"just happened" to read my blog about our women's camp.
She called her mom in Boryslav and 
encouraged her to get a ticket to go to the women's camp.
The mom attended the camp.
Her comments after the event were that 
she never knew what the Bible meant about
our body being God's temple. 
For the first time, she realized she needed to take care of her body.
She told a good friend of ours that she will be praying for me
often......asking God to continue to send me to Ukraine
to share these life changing Bible messages with Ukrainian women.

Isn't that amazing that God used THIS blog to bring that woman
to the women's camp and taught her profound truth that has changed her completely?
It still stuns me to think about it.....and gives me chill bumps too. :)

Here's some Instagram pics from the week....

New cutters from SweetArtFactory to try out.
Where to start.....where to start? ;)

My favorite salad. BOY did I miss this while I was in Ukraine.
Spring greens.....cucumbers.....strawberries....blueberries....
and pecans with a light yogurt honey mustard dressing. Mmmmmmm

This week was my "vacation".
Since the Ukraine trip is the opposite of a vacation,
I decided to take a rest this week and let my jet lag pass.
Funny how I view working in the kitchen as a vacation.....but I do!
I tried several new recipes and enjoyed every minute of it.
I'm loving my two new cookbooks from The Spunky Coconut.

 Mmmmm.....summer peaches.
I could have eaten the whole box but I refrained myself. ;)

Messy mess red polka dot world.....
pitting cherries for Bing Cherry Ice Cream.

Mmmmm......a Coffee Cake recipe from
the Spunky Coconut's Grain Free Baked Goods and Desserts.

Tried a Grain Free Sugar Cookie Recipe from same cookbook.

Bing Cherry Dairy Free Ice Cream. Mmmmm

Hopefully next week I can get back in the swing of things
and start decorating cookies again.....
We'll see........
(a phrase we often say while in Ukraine......
because you never know from moment to moment what is going to happen.)

Last week's chatter....

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