Back From Ukraine......Refreshed and Ready to Go! — CookieCrazie

Back From Ukraine......Refreshed and Ready to Go!

That's "hello" in Ukrainian. :)

I just arrived home from my mission trip to Ukraine late Friday night.
I'm unpacked, caught up with most things.......
and am in the process of finishing up my blogging about the trip.

My jet lag is stilling going strong
I got up at 2 AM this morning and now it is 7 PM and I am losing steam.
Hopefully I can sleep all the way through the night tonight.

I've written several blog posts about my trip, if you are interested.

As many of you know.......I was at my wit's end before I left for the trip.
Things with cookies and the blog had gotten me down......
and I even thought about quitting. :(
If you missed it, here's the post.

Leaving it all behind for a few weeks was the best thing I could have done.
I have a refreshed and renewed heart.
I've been reminded of what really matters.
And I heard from many of you......and so appreciated your encouragement!
And for now......I am letting go of the blog numbers and the dollars made.....
and focusing on the right things.
If I make money for next year's trip......great.
If I don't.......that's OK.

I'm looking forward to turning on the oven and getting to work. :)
But in the mean time......I've got lots of new cookie sets to show you from the last couple months.
I'll get started in the next day or two.

I just wanted to say "hey"
and that.......

I'mmmmm Baaaack!!!!
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