CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 8, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 8, 2012

And the chatter keeps coming.......

Well......the CookieCon sales went well last Friday night
and CookieCon is sold out!
However, they have a waiting list.......
so if you're still interesting, put yourself on their waiting list.

Congratulations to all of you that have your ticket.
Can't wait to see you in November! ♥♥♥


CookieCrazie Fave Pics/Tutos of the Week

OK......check this out. 

Sixteen different cookie designers got together and made cookies
via inspiration from the current issue of Bride's magazine.'re going to be amazed by these wedding related cookies!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review

CookieCrazie's Scoops of Ice Cream Cookies
was featured on TidyMom's
I'm Lovin' It Wrap Up  last week. Hurray!

Then same cookies were featured on CakeSpy.....Double hurray! :)


Personal Side

It's been an especially busy week.
I had already planned to do several patriotic cookie collections
for the upcoming July 4th holiday.
Then I unexpectedly spent a whole day working on Ukraine trip stuff.
Not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy myself that day......
but it really threw my week off.

But on the good side......we got lots accomplished on Tuesday.
We bought most of the supplies for the women's retreat and senior visit gifts.
Can you tell we're having a spa theme for the retreat?!

Here's my friend, Donna. We are close partners in UA ministry.
She heads the senior ministry and I head the women's ministry. We work well together.

PLUS.....we got them packed.
And we are shipping two boxes out this week with all kinds of
goodies for our friends in Borislov.

Dave is Missions Minister. He is a key component in the success of our UA trips.

 Yours truly......packing up lots of OTC meds for Ukraine.
 See this beautiful KA mixer. Oksana is going to be so thrilled to receive it!
Thanks KitchenAid for donating this mixer with special European wiring. :)

Last year, Kitchenaid donated a mixer with European outlet fixture
and I am just now getting that sent to a dear friend in Ukraine
who is a cake decorator there.
Thankfully we found an inexpensive source for shipping.....
so that heavy mixer and a BUNCH of other heavy things
will not cost near as much to ship. Yeah!

I can't wait to see Oksana's face when she gets that mixer.
(I think it will arrive right about the time we are there!)
She had told me she didn't need the mixer.
But she came to the States this winter and saw one.....
and THEN she wanted one. :)

I'm excited to make her life a little easier.
She's been using teeny hand mixers for years. Wow!
We need to count our blessings, don't we?

So yesterday was my marathon day.
I finished lots of cookies, photographed cookies,
made icing and cookies for today......
and way too many other things to list here.
Today I just have to mix colors and decorate.
Sounds like a breeze after yesterday! ;)


So how do like CookieCrazie Chatter?
Are you enjoying it or is it a waste of time?
I'd really like to know.....because if no one finds it 
beneficial or entertaining.....then why would I continue to pull it together?
Could it be improved.....add something.....remove something???
And while we are at it......
if there is anything you'd really like to see on CookieCrazie,
PLEASE let me know. 
I'd love to know what peaks your interest
and brings you back on a regular basis.

And as always.....thanks for being a follower of my little acre of Cookie-dom.
It is such a privilege to have all of you here. 
Thank you! ♥♥♥

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