Basket Cookie (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Basket Cookie (Tutorial)

I was thinking that this basket cookie might be nice
to use for Mother's Day (just one week away!).....
so here goes.

To make basket cookies, you will need:

Outline & Flood your circle/oval cookie
with basket-colored glaze of choice.

Allow to dry for at least 30 minutes.
Add basket weave lines with a #1 round tip.
Allow to dry for at least 15 minutes and then add lines
in opposite direction.

Once the basket has dried for at least an hour,
add assorted flowers.
You might need to do this in layers.....
letting a layer dry before adding additional detail.

This basket weave below was achieved by using
Sweet Ambs awesome weave technique found here:
LOTS more time consuming...
but oh, so beautiful. :)

With Neil's graduation and a cookie order this last week,
I've done nothing specific for Mother's Day.

What about you?
Do you have special cookies planned for 
Mom's special day?

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