vintage truck cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

vintage truck cookie

2014 Autumn Cookie Collection

Vintage Truck Cookie (Tutorial)

This truck cookie cutter is one of my favorite custom cutter designs.

I love the way that this shape can be decorated for the season and/or personalized.

This particular tutorial shows pumpkins in the back of the truck.
But the skies the limit on how to decorate it.

As you can see......I've also  decorated it with an empty bed or with a pile of apples.

And just recently I added lots of LOVE to the truck for my daughter's wedding. :)

In this tutorial......I'll let the photos do the talking, unless details needs to mentioned.

To give the pumpkins a 3D look, I allowed the base flood to drive for about 1 hour,
and then added an additional outline and flood of each pumpkin.

This photo shows multiple steps.
Outline the wheel chassis, door, etc.
Secondly, after the base flood has dried for about 2 hours,
you can press a small round cutter into the wheels to distinguish the tire from the hubcap.

Flood the chassis and door outlines.
Add an additional circle layer to the hub cap.

Allow at least 30 min of dry time before adding the little details to the truck.
(i.e. lights, handle, mirror, bumpers)

Once the pumpkins have dried for at least 1 hour,
press a cake tester in them to make the pumpkin segments.
Add brown stems to the pumpkins.

Dry cookie overnight.
Paint black on the tires with food paint  or  luster dust (mixed with vodka) or 

Use silver food paint or silver luster dust (mixed with vodka) for the hub caps.

Paint the rear lights with red food paint or Americolor Super Red gel.

Add a name plate to the side door with a food color marker.
 "Age" the truck by brushing on some dry bronze luster dust.

2014 Autumn Cookie Collection

2014 Apple Cookies Collection

Sometimes it's easy to get a little CRAZIE when making a theme of cookies.
This apple cookie collection was no exception. ;)

There are so many things you can do with apples.
Ready, set, go!

These Helvetica lowercase alphabet cutters are super popular right now.
(They will fit in to any theme!)


The truck shape is part of the new CookieCrazie custom cutters.

All of these are CookieCrazie Custom Cutters. Check them out!

2014 Apple Cookies Collection
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