smiley cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

smiley cookies

Fruitful Week ;)

Well this week is stacking up to be as cookie crazie as last week. It wasn't just happened. :)'s a pic of the platter I took to the luau Sunday night. The cookies disappeared in minutes. That was a delight in most ways....but to watch them be devoured in just a short amount of time was a little sad too. So much time to little time to chew and swallow. 

This week I had a bunch of icing left over from last week's "summer extravaganza". So yesterday morning I decided to make a large batch of cookies to quickly decorate with all those wonderful colors. However, my crazie-ness kicked into high gear......and suddenly I was headed full steam into decorating an extraordinary number of different fruit cookies. But boy, did I have fun.

And I used a lot of the old icing making the fruit and these simple, but cute smileys. (But I might add, that I made 4-5 more colors of NEW icing to make sure the fruit was more authentic.......My daughter was laughing at me for making new icing when I'm trying to get rid of the old stuff. =))

So here is evidence of my my "fruitful" day yesterday. ;)

First you have your citrus fruit......

then a bunch of fruit that grows on trees.....

add in some berries and cherries (yum!).....

and just a few

and suddenly you have a fruit explosion......maybe this would be called the fruit salad. :)

I still have a batch of cookies to do tomorrow for an I'm not done yet this week.

Tired of my crazie-ness yet??? I hope not....because I sure enjoy having all of you here on my blog..... (Thanks for visiting, by the way.)

At last! ........sigh

I've finally gotten my cookie "fix". It was a joy to decorate cookies yesterday......I've missed it so much. My foot wasn't thrilled with the idea of being used thoroughly for several hours.....but I tried to treat it nice by sitting much more often than I usually do. I usually stand the entire time I am decorating, so it was a bit of an adjustment.

My 22-year-old daughter, Jill, is coming home to live with us after having been gone for the last four years as a Youth With A Mission missionary in Nashville. We are thrilled to have her back.....knowing she'll be leaving in just a few short months to go overseas. I wanted to surprise her with some fun cookies.

I decided to do smiley cookies because I knew they would be nice and easy.....and my foot needed "nice and easy". ;-) The funny thing is that I ended up doing quilts too because Jill loves quilting. However, those cookies were not nice and easy. Oh well......I had a blast and if nothing else, my emotional state is uplifted.

These guys are very photogenic. :-)

Next I tried an idea I saw from Polka Dot Zebra that I thought I would try. I love this little cut-out idea. My handwriting on a cookie needs lots of improvement, but believe it or not, it is a LOT better than it use to be. I need to practice more, but I avoid writing on a cookie as much as possible because I do so poorly and thus, no practice. It's a vicious cycle. lol

Finally, my favorite part.......I love quilts and so does Jill. I've been studying them the last few weeks while I've been recovering in bed. I also am greatly inspired by one of my cookie heros, Amifsud on Cake Central. I had such fun doing these. Sadly, I used a beautiful purple color and in these photos, it shows up as it looks like I had tons of blue quilts. I wish you could see the contrasting colors.

These are my very favorite ones. :-)

You can be sure I'll be doing more quilts.

Next week is my youngest daughter, Allison's, SIXTEENTH birthday, so I hope to make some special cookies for her. Hurray!

Until is great to be back in the cookie world. :-))))))))))
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