raspberry — Blog — CookieCrazie


SWEET Summer (Fruit) Decorated Cookie Collection

OK…..let’s discuss one of the best parts of summer. FRUIT! haha

Since last August, I’ve been eating a plant-based diet, and FRUIT, by far, is the most delicious of all the plant foods. :)

Summer brings out the best in fruit. Most everything is in season…..and SCRUMPTIOUS.

Here’s to diving into all that fruit-y deliciousness!



Berry Berry Cookie Collection

This cookie collection all came about because I found these cute ceramic fruit crates at Michaels.
As soon as I saw them.....I thought, "I should make some berry cookies to put in them." 
That's the first time the photo prop came BEFORE the cookies. ;)

This was a very rewarding set of cookies.
I studied each berry and tried to make them as authentic as I could.

And I've gotten more compliments on these cookies than most others.

Here's the whole gang all together.
I loved photographing them!





Berry Berry Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 28, 2014

Cookie Con 2014 happened last week.
See the "official photos" HERE.
Stay tuned for a full CookieCrazie report SOON! :)


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Oh my.....CookieCon was fabulous.
I have so many things I want to write.....but I'll save it for my CookieCon 2014 post
coming soon!

As you'll see in the below Instagram photos.....
I posted lots and lots of photos the entire time I was at CC.

I was thinking of those at home who were sad and lonely.....
and wanted to make sure they were kept up to date on what was happening.

Since the CookieCon 2014 post is taking me a LLOOOONNNNGGG time to put together.....
I'll keep this short. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

The views on my flight from Phoenix to SLC.....stunning!
I even got to see the Grand Canyon!!
God's creation is incredible. :)
Thankful to arrive safely.
CookieCon may now commence.... 

Morning at Orson Gygi. Fun!
 Tatiana is from Moscow....so she was the big buyer.
She can't get such products in Russia.

Everyone's registered......and CookieCon is now about to begin!!!

Opening Night of CookieCon 2014.....via Arty McGoo. WOW!

SugarShow Entries..... 1
 SugarShow Entries..... 2

Sweet friends.....1

Sweet friends.....2

Georganne (LilaLoa) on local SLC news show this week.

 CookieCon SugarShow.....3

CC SugarShow.....4

Sweet friends.....3

CC SugarShow.....5

Sweet friends.....4

CookieCon 2014.....44 States and 16 countries represented.....
famous visitors....awesome prizes!!! 

CookieCon 2014.... @sweetambs & @chapixcookies sharing their tips

CookieCon 2014..... @thepaintedcookie & Lilaloa 

I just got finished doing a LIVE interview at ABC 4 News in Salt Lake City.
We talked about CookieCon and decorating cookies.
Fun!.....now that it's over and I can breath again. ;)

 SLC by day....and by night. :)

CC Sugar Show....6

 Sugar Show.....7

BRP is awesome! Kip & Connie did a presentation this morning.....
and unveiled the new basket we developed in the last few months!
Fun stuff. :)

 The Kip & Arty Dance Off!

Cookie Friends.....

 Box & Cookie Friends....

Open Decorating

Goof in' off at the @brpboxshop vendor booth at #cookiecon14. :)

#cookiecon14 Mystery Shape Cookie Decorating Contest....

 Final night of CookieCon with friends.....

Final night of CookieCon.....Thanks Karen & Mike!!

 Final full day in SLC with friends.
Bittersweet......lots of goodbyes.

Final full day in SLC. Lots of goodbyes.....bittersweet.

Last few CookieCon-ers heading out today.
MORE new friends.....and being blessed with Sweet friends.....time with Michelle Jones from UK. :) 
My bag only weighs 45.8 lbs.....even after buying a few things at Anthropology. 

 So long beautiful SLC! Excited about going HOME!

 Oh @brpboxshop..... Have I told you lately how awesome you are?! :)
Thanks for being a love-able vendor and sponsor at #cookiecon14!
We love our boxes AND love our BRP!

Between Pre-orders, #cookiecon14 purchases, SLC purchases, and gifts.....
I see lots of fun playing with cookies in my future! :)

 THIS is what I started on as soon as I got home from CookieCon.
My baby girl is getting married in May.
This is her shower invitation....and the cookies for Sunday's event. :)

Spring and Easter......we're waiting expectantly. 


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Raspberry Cookies (Tutorial)

One of my favorite fruits (I have many!) is BERRIES.

As I was dreaming about spring and summer, berries came to mind.
Making those dreams into cookies has really brightened up this L.O.N.G winter.

Let's start with raspberries.

To get a more 3D look with the berries, roll together a short "log" with dough and then cut it in half.
Each half can be a berry with a domed front.

Once the cookies are baked, outline and flood the cookies with "raspberry color".
(I mixed Americolor Super Red and Deep Pink together until I got the color I wanted.)

Give the base-coat about one hour to dry.
Then add oval "drupelets" (official name) of icing all over the cookie in haphazard rows.
Make sure they are not touching, since glaze will run together.

After 30 min of dry time, fill in the rest of the spots with more oval "drupelets".

Easy peasy......and oh, so yummy......both the cookie-form AND the real form. ;)

Berry Berry Cookie Collection
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