
Jill & Joe's Wedding Cookie Collection

A SECOND wedding for the year...... my oldest daughter, Jill, married Joe in September.

It was a fabulous occasion.
And we had lots and lots of cookies!

Jill & Joe's theme for cookies was quite a bit different than Allison & Jake's.
Rather than the rustic, vintage feel......they went for a more traditional set.

Personalization is the best part of decorating cookies for special events.
I was able to make some of their favorite things per their request.

For the cookie favors placed at the table settings for the reception, there were four different cookies.

First, lace heart cookies to match the navy/fuchsia wedding colors.
(Here is the tutorial for the lace heart cookies when done for Allison's wedding.)

Next, monograph cookies.......simple and appropriate. :)

And finally, the groom and bride heart cookies.


And then I did a set of cookies just for Joe and Jill.

They love coffee. :)

Jill loves penguins.

Joe has planned all his life to own a dachshund and name him Buddy.
Now it is Joe AND Jill's plan to do so in the next couple years. :)

Here is their whole set of personalized cookies in a beautiful BRP box.

Jill & Joe's Wedding Cookie Collection's a cold Christmas!

You need to put on your mittens and hat before we go outside.....

On on this cold snowy day......we find a rosy cheeked polar bear. :)

Awwww.....a penguin and a snowman standing side by side......

Oh did the gingerbread man head get in this segment? ha ha!!

OK.....these guys fit the theme better. ;)

I guess you could call this a winter wonderland......minus the gingerbread man head. lol

I've been cookie-ing my heart out this week. I'm so weary I can hardly move. But I got some great cookies done....and lots of photos to show you this next two weeks.
I've also got a gazillion more cookies to make between now and then...............

FF Christmas Ornaments: Set 4 - Faces of Christmas

I wrote this Wednesday morning.....but blogger wouldn't let me upload the I'm sending it Wednesday evening.

I'm excited about decorating some summer themed cookies this week. It always feels so wonderful to get back to cookies after several weeks reprieve. I've missed it!

Here's another grouping I did for the Fancy Flours decorating contest. I love how these turned out. :)

Just two more sets left. Bear with me. ;)

Let it Snow.....Let it Snow.....Let it Snow

I'm like a kid this morning....nearly dancing through the house. We got about 8" of snow....and it is still snowing. :)))))))))

Appropriate day to show you my last pics of the winter collection. 

My favorite.....I did him last year too. :)

Happy Winter everyone!

Thanks so much for all your kind words and support. And I'm stunned at the response to the January Ecrandal give-away. :) I have the best blog followers...........

Don't Be Tired of Snow & Winter Yet!

Don't be tired of snow and winter yet! I still have my third winter collection to share with you!

I started on Valentines Day cookies last week.....but first I need to show you the rest of my winter cookies. lol

All of these cookies were made by taking various shapes and putting them together. No, I do not have a cutter for any of them. :)

I just wanted to say a word about my wonderful readers. I've kind of gone out on a limb to show others how I do my work........and I don't profit from it. In fact, I guess it could take away from the orders I receive for Cookies With a Mission. But my goal is to give to others as I've been given. SO MANY people have helped me over the not only decorate cookies.....but to become the woman I am. My desire is to give back by helping others in the same fashion. 

Believe me.....I'm not giving away all my secrets! I'm just sharing the basics.....which apparently lots and lots of people are craving this information. 

At first, I hesitated......"Why should I show others what I've had to work hard to find out?" But then I remember that there have been all kinds of very generous people along the way that have answered my questions, had an awesome blog post, or even made videos to show me what I know. And God's Word says to give unto others as you would have them give unto you.

So that's why I share......I want others to have access to information from others that don't have to give.....but choose to be generous.

And I'm so grateful for those of you who have realized that I don't have to share anything with you. I could just keep putting pretty photos on this blog and leave it at that. Several of you have taken the time to thank me......and that thrills my heart. Not because I want recognition or to be lifted up. But because it shows that there are still people that have grateful hearts and don't expect others to give them everything. It blesses me to know that people recognize a sacrifice and take the time to acknowledge it and be thankful for it.

Makes me smile................... :)
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