painting — Blog — CookieCrazie


#1 Dad Cookie (Tutorial)

Do you have a #1 Dad at your house too?
Why not make him some #1 cookies to show him some love?

Start off with a hand cookie.
Sadly, that cute purple hand cutter from Wilton (shown below) is discontinued & no longer available.
But you can get a similar full hand cutter from Karen's Cookies or
the "I Love You" Sign Language cutter from SweetArtFactory.

Cut off all the fingers except the index finger and smooth out the knuckles.
(I's a little weird.)
And then take the thumb part and fold it over onto the hand.
This gives the hand a great 3D look. :)

Outline and flood the hand (including the thumb) with any color glaze you'd like.
Allow them to dry overnight.

Using white or black color gel (depending on what works best) paint on "#1 Dad".

Nice and easy.....and super fun.

Cookie Love for Dad

Just playin' around with different textures and shapes to celebrate Dad.

For a simple idea.....just decorate some hearts with a more "masculine" look.

Or just take a rectangle cookie and make a shirt and tie. :)

Of experience with most guys is that they just want a

good cookie that they can wolf down. ;)

Wrist Watch Cookie (Tutorial)

Wrist Watch Cookies (Tutorial)

Wrist watches seem like a "dad" kind of image perfect for Fathers Day.

And you don't really have to have a specific watch cutter.
I used a monkey face cutter and a plaque....but I'm sure there are several others you could use.

Use a yellow food color marker and a circle cutter to make the watch face circle more precise.

Outline the watch with white 10-second glaze.

Flood the band parts of the watch and allow to dry for about 2 hours.
Take a long thin tool (I use a cake tester) and make criss-cross lines
on the band to form the "links".

Add an additional outline to the face to make it more pronounced.
Be sure to add the tiny knob on the side of the watch. (not pictured here)
Make a really thin version of white glaze (maybe a 5-7 second glaze)
and flood the face of the watch. 
Allow to dry overnight.

Once dry, make a mixture of Americolor Bright White gel and a tiny amount of Super Black gel.
Try to achieve a light "off white" color for the face. 
Paint the mixture onto the face of the watch.

Make a mixture of silver luster dust and almond extract and cover the watch band and face outline.

After the face painting (haha) has dried a few hours, use black and red gel to paint on the
hour and minute hands (black) and second hand (red).

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