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Deer One Valentines Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Ah yes......more homonyms for spreading Valentines Day love.

Here are the two cutters used for this set:

Outline and flood the shapes with tan icing
leaving space to add details with white glaze using wet on wet technique.
(see photos below)

Using a darker brown glaze, add the nose and hooves.

Here is the entire Love Ewe Deer One Cookie Collection.


Love Ewe Valentines Day Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)


Don't you love how homonyms work perfectly for Valentines Day?

How about making little lamb (ewe) cookies to share love with others?

Using this lamb cutter,  cover most of the surface with white glaze, but leave the face, ears and hooves bare. Fill those areas in with tan glaze after finishing with the white.
(see photo below)

Allow the glaze to dry for a couple of hours, and then imprint tiny hearts all over the white portion. (I used the heart shape in this impression tool set.)

Using a small heart cookie cutter, press it into the bottom/back part of the lamb to create an outline. Fill the outline with red glaze. (The smallest cutter in this set was used here.)

Add some facial features with a black marker if desired.

Here is the full Love Ewe Deer One Valentines Day Cookie Collection.


Winter Silhouette Cookies (Tutorial)

I love the simplicity of silhouettes....especially on cookies!
All you have to do is get the outline over a plain or patterned background......
and you have a lovely design.

The first step is to look for silhouettes all around.....
whether tangle photos/clipart you have laying around or pictures found on the internet.

Once you've decided what shapes you want to put on the cookie.....
print them out to about the size wanted on the cookie surface.

Outline and flood the cookies.
Both a plain one-color background or a patterned background will look good.
You can make it as simple or complex as you wish.

Once the background has dried a bit,
you need to outline and flood the silhouette.
A Kopy Kake helps immensely.....but it is definitely not an essential.
I don't use mine often, but in this case, it came it super handy.
(For a brief overview of how a KK works, check out this post.)

If you don't own one......
just cut out the shape and trace around it directly onto the cookie using a food color marker
Outline and flood from there.

 The simplicity really makes for a beautiful cookie.

Winter 2014 Cookie Collection
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