crown — Blog — CookieCrazie


Navy Fuchsia Glamor Cookie Collection

Fit For A Queen.....A COOKIE Queen that is.... :)

Several months ago I made a humongous cookie for a special gathering of a bunch cookie friends. The group we're in is called Cookie we all made queen related cookies. What fun it was to see what everyone came up with.

I wanted to do something extra I had this "brilliant" idea to make a really large cookie sheet and place all kinds of cookie/queen related cookies on it. The problem was that even though I supported it well in a box in my suitcase for travel to the broke right down the middle. :( It made me so very very sad and it really made for a cruddy presentation.

But thankfully......I took pics of it when it was whole. :)

Lesson learned......there are some cookies that are TOO large......and.....don't travel with them. lol


I'm finishing up some really fun snowman/winter cookies get ready for winter wonderland in cookies next week. Yeah!

Surprises for Callye & Family :)

Yesterday I posted some of the pics of cookie I sent to Callye (SweetSugarBelle) and her family. Her husband, Bernie, loves the taste of my cookies best (blush, blush) and since he is an all around wonderful guy (Callye brags on him all the time)......I wanted to send him some cookies.

So I sent larger cookies for cookies for the rest of the family......
and then a special set of cookies for the entire family.

And since I admire Callye and her work so much, I wanted to make her a very special cookie. Since she is the queen of queens in the cookie is her lovely crown.....

I wish you could see all the disco dust and luster dust I have on this cookie.
The photo didn't really capture it well :o)

This week will be a little odd for me. I hope to do some more fall cookies for the fun of it.....but then I have an order of soccer cookies I need to do for beginning of next week. I think it is kind of funny since I know many of my cookie friends will be frantically making tons and tons of cookies for the holiday on Sunday. 

Hopefully I'll be back later this week.
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