While making a zoo animals cookie collection for Langley's 2nd birthday, I realized that when I did the Jungle Buddies Cookie Collection back in 2013, I didn't create a brown bear. Oh my!
So I'm filling in the gap by presenting Mr. Brown Bear cookie to you now. :)
Just like the Panda Bear Cookies I did in the past,
I used a Mickey Mouse cutter to create the initial shape for the brown bear.
Of course, Mickey Mouse's ears are a little big for a brown bear......
so I lopped them right off with the edger cutter from SugarBelle's new Shape Shifters set.
(see photo below)

Outline and flood the main circle shape of the bear's face in brown glaze.
(see photo below)

After about 30 minutes of dry time, outline and flood the ears and "snout" of the bear as seen below.

Allow the brown glaze to set for a couple of hours. Add eyes, nose, and mouth with white and black glaze as shown below.