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Personalizing Birthday Cookies: Morgan's 18th BDay Collection (Part 2)

Earlier this week, I shared the

The remainder of the cookie set
has the most defining pieces of her personality and past.

Morgan is a karate black belt.

Introducing Morgan's childhood teddy bear, Bubba.....
or at least my rendition of him
with limited photos and descriptions. :)

a definite favorite of this generation. 
My daughters LOVE 'em. =)

And Morgan's18th Birthday Collection posing together.

Lots to show you this coming week. 

I've got cute baby cookies......

the first of a series on decorating with glaze icing......

a few tutorials thrown in.....
and some fun spring cookies!

"Not So Sweet" 16 Birthday Cookies

In the past......most 16th birthday cookies I've done have been for girls....and have that "Sweet 16" theme.

But this time I did a 16th birthday set for a "manly" young man. :)

How's this for "not so sweet"....... :)
I attempted the USMC logo.....but it was a rush attempt, and thus not that great. 
I told Jackson's mom that if he really does go in the Marines in a few years.....
I will gladly make some extra special Marine cookies for him.....
 Probably my favorite of the bunch.....but then I've done dog tags a few times before.

What a change from Valentines Day, huh? lol

Get ready for a big birthday theme coming soon.........
 Next week is going to be a very special week here at CookieCrazie. You don't want to miss it!
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