Starbucks coffee and frapuccinos — Blog — CookieCrazie

Starbucks coffee and frapuccinos

Personalizing Birthday Cookies: Morgan's 18th BDay Collection (Part 2)

Earlier this week, I shared the

The remainder of the cookie set
has the most defining pieces of her personality and past.

Morgan is a karate black belt.

Introducing Morgan's childhood teddy bear, Bubba.....
or at least my rendition of him
with limited photos and descriptions. :)

a definite favorite of this generation. 
My daughters LOVE 'em. =)

And Morgan's18th Birthday Collection posing together.

Lots to show you this coming week. 

I've got cute baby cookies......

the first of a series on decorating with glaze icing......

a few tutorials thrown in.....
and some fun spring cookies!

Happy 18th Birthday, Allison

So my youngest of five has just turned 18. Yikes.....where has the time gone? 

Allison will always be my baby. :) She's a pretty special young lady. I knew she would enjoy some very special cookies for her I went all out. First the Vera Bradley inspired cookies....and then some other very distinct cookies for my girl.

Allison LOVES Starbucks coffee and frapuccinos. In fact, everyone knows she loves it so much....that she ended up with $55 worth of Starbucks gift cards for her birthday. hee hee

And then her fifth appendage.......her Blackberry. :)

The Allison's 18th Birthday Collection......

I'll be going out of town on Wednesday.....and be gone for nearly I'm not sure how much blog time I'll have before I leave. But I promise to try to post one more time before I go.
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