baby boy — Blog — CookieCrazie

baby boy

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

It's been really delightful to make baby cookies galore.

The gender reveal idea is super fun because you get to consider
both feminine and masculine themes side-by-side.

I'm hoping in the next few years I'll be making these type cookies
for the arrival of my own grandchildren. :)







Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 27, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

We're off to a family reunion with my in-laws in TN/MS this weekend.
Lots of driving......but it's fun to see everyone.
I'm taking some fall cookies to be enjoyed.
I lectured myself (in my head) again and again to make them simple.
I have a super hard time making simple cookies.
I always want to add a few more details. haha
But all in all......I think I did OK with the whole simple concept.
Next week I'm doing a fun project for an event at church the following weekend.
I may build a whole theme around one cookie.
Hee hee.....I don't have to keep it simple next week. ;)

Instagram photos for this week:

Haha..... The other side of the room during today's photo shoot.
I manage to reek havoc all over the house to get "just the right shots"
and then there's lots of aftermath clean-up. ;)

Oh....the fall "quilting" done this week. :)

Here's one of the fall quilt sets from last week.
I love all those warm colors!!!
OK....bring on the cool crisp weather and all the beauty of the season. :)

A favorite autumn set from last year..... :)

Here's a sideview of the little cuties going to our family reunion this weekend. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Onesie Parade Begins.....

I made a ton of baby onesies for twins last week. So I will begin the parade of photos today. :)

I got to do some fun Easter cookies yesterday. Hurray! It's been hard to squeeze in "just for fun" cookies lately. Today I'm off to bake a bunch of cookies for a huge order. Let the fun begin. :)
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