CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 4, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 4, 2014


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It took me an entire week to "recover" from being gone at Cookie Con 2014.
I needed to catch up on sleep, family life, housework, blog work, etc etc.
I needed to write a full recap of the event.....which you will find here.
And then there were tons of little things that got neglected....and needed my attention.
But I finally achieved "getting caught up" this week.

Cookie Con was an amazing event
As I continue to see photos and memories from others......I just smile and smile.
It's one of those things that is kind-of-like a mountain top experience.

This week I had to dive back into cookie "work".
[It's really not to work to can something so fun be work?!]

I'm an instructor at CookiesCool in Genoa Italy come November.
(It was orginally supposed to be the first of May......but got postponed.)

The organizers have made a bunch of changes to the format......
and I needed to come up with two additional classes to teach at the event.
They asked for some Christmas-related guess what my themes have been this week?
Christmas quilting......and snowflakes. :)
{I'm a little hesitant to share the snowflakes for fear that people will revolt after our harsh winter!]

My daughter's bridal shower was Sunday. 
What a delightful time!
I'll do a full post on it soon.
The cookies were a hit......but best of all, my sweet girl LOVED them. :)

Wedding cookies coming up next month.....


Instagram photos for this week:

This is the time (probably past time) for those beautiful little crocus to pop up all over. :)
Love them! Happy Spring!

Happy Spring Saturday!

Fabulous day yesterday celebrating at my baby girl's bridal shower.
Cookies to match invitation.....made with lots of love.

I know.....I know.....Christmas in April is a little much.
But come November in Italy it will be awesome. 


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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