CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 6, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 6, 2013

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Winter stinks!
I've been sick with an upper respiratory infection for more than a week.'s been all through the Thanksgiving holiday and beyond.
I want my normal energy and body strength back!
Even cookie decorating is hard when you just don't feel strong. : /

Thankfully I'm slowly getting better.
And some how.....the cookies got done this week. :)

I  haveworked on winter and New Year cookies the last few days.
Once again.....I'm trying to get ahead with all the busyness of the holidays.

Next week I have a big Christmas cookie order to fulfill.
I've saved up a bunch of fun ideas to use for that order.
It's one of those clients that let's you use original creativity.
LOVE those kind.

We're supposed to get a tiny bit of snow today.
THIS puts a smile on my face. =)

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season.

Instagram photos for this week:

I'm anxious to show lots of Christmas cookies....

Happy First Monday of December!

Yesterday was a good day.....the effect I was going for worked.
Don't you love those kind of days?


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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