CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 13, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, September 13, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Don't you just love it when you work really hard.......
and things turn out beyond your expectations?

This week has been an exceptional week.
I'm exhausted......but excited about all that was accomplished.
I tried a few new things this week.
What a blessing......some of them worked VERY well. :)
Thank you, God, for you incredible blessings....

My youngest daughter's birthday is Saturday.....she will be 20.
No. more. teenagers. 
I remember when we had FIVE teenagers at one time.
What a relief to get past that stage. haha

So my baby is TWENTY.
Ummm......I think that may mean I'm getting old. 
But thankfully I don't feel old.
So let's just pretend I'm still young. hee hee

We are celebrating with the whole family (minus Keith, sniff, sniff) this weekend.
Cheesecake we come. 

Instagram photos for this week:


Fun project using BRP's latest awesome-ness. :)

Another set of autumn leaves.... They make me smile. :)

It's been a very autumn-y leaf-y week. ;)

My old-fashioned truck with SugarBelle's custom bus cutter. :)
Love how it turned out.


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