CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 1, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, March 1, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side
Can you believe it is March 1. Wow......

I've been diligently preparing to be come a "full time" employee starting next week.
The hospital lab is undergoing a major software change, 
and I'll be working lots these next two weeks.

Thankfully I got some cookies decorated this week.
They'll be no time or energy to get back to it for a few weeks.....
I had a blow out day on Tuesday......just couldn't decorate much of anything.
Lots of dear friends in the cookie world encouraged and loved on me.
And the next day.....things were much better. :)

I'm hoping to keep things running fairly normal here on the blog.....
but if you don't hear from me as often, it is because I'm just too whipped by my job.

We're gearing up for the Ukraine trip in June.
This week we gathered most of the supplies we'll need for the ministries.
We plan to ship them soon.....since it takes almost 2 months for a package to arrive there.
It will be so nice to ship almost all of it so that we don't have to stuff our suitcases to the brim.

I leave for my trip at the beginning of it is only three months away.
Oh my......that's scary. haha

Instagram photos for this week:
More birthday sweetness.....

The snow outside makes for great lighting possibilities inside. :)
Birthday calendar cookies....

Pandas!! :)
Birthday balloons.....

Birthday cupcakes.....

:( It's one of THOSE days. I just don't have it in me to pipe anymore.
I'm hoping the dreary rainy day is the culprit.
The glaze colors are not what I'd hoped and I just lost all the desire in just six cookies......
They'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Hopefully it will be a better day.
(Please tell me you have days like this!)

I needed a smile this morning. How about you? :)

Already a much better decorating day. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement. :) ❤

 Easter minis.....nice and simple :)


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