CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 28, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 28, 2012


CookieCrazie's Week in Review
It's actually been TWO weeks since I've done a CCChatter...

More Homespun Tree Cutter Cookies from Others


Personal Side

Ahhhhh.....Christmas was wonderful. :)
We had a whirlwind weekend.
I worked at the hospital on Saturday morning and then we rushed out of town to visit family in Memphis.
We scurried back quickly EARLY Monday morning so I could get prep work done.
Then visiting extended family for Christmas Eve,
plus having our own little Christmas Eve and Christmas morning traditions here.
And then, was over.
Phew......and I'm so tired. ;) prep kicks into full gear, probably on I must rest quickly. heehee

My heart is full.
It is wonderful to reflect on Christmas pasts.....
and then sit in amazement at the memories we just made the last few days.
With our family headed toward a new stage in life.....married children......
I can only wonder how different things will be in the next few years.
So I kept telling my family, I am pondering these things in my heart. :)

Now we face the new year.
If I'm never blessed with anything more, I still have much more than I could ever deserve or imagine.
And I'm thankful.

Instagram photos for this week:

Hot Chocolate, anyone? :)

My last set of Christmas cookies.....also my favorite. :)

Operation Wedding is in full force. :)

 Today we add details to all 180 wedding cookies.....can I hold my breath that long?? ;)

Done with 1/3......icy branches complete. Yeah!

I. am. done. So happy!!!!! Now I can breath freely again. Christmas and I come. :)

I just decorated my first wedding cake.'s a 3D cookie and only 5" tall....but it is still my first. :)

Busy morning wrapping..... but I'm almost done thanks to Allison's help.
Then I'm off to prepare food ahead for Christmas Eve and morning. cookies ready, Christmas prep complete.....time to make some memories. :)

Family fun in Memphis.....

The fam on Christmas morning. :)

Birthday flowers from my lovely Jill. :)

Making goodies for a brunch we'll have here after the wedding.
Banana streusel muffins and Chocolate chocolate chip muffins turned out fabulous. Hurray!!


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