CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, October 26, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, October 26, 2012



It's NEXT week! 
That's mind boggling. :)
There are  still some Cookie Con tickets available...
If there is any chance that you can 
fly to Salt Lake City for Nov 1-4....
There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Wow......I complained about how busy last week was.
This week was no different.
I had a list of things to achieve......
and as is often the case, it was an unreasonable list. lol
But I'm chuggin' away and getting it done.
Today will determine the extent of my success. 

Cookies......lots and lots of cookies.
I've got several surprises for you in the next few weeks.
And I'm trying to prep for those surprises......
plus get ready for CookieCon.

My daughter was trying to casually talk with me last night.....
and said, "Mom, you're not listening to me".
She was right. I have so much on my mind that I zoned her out.

After I work tomorrow......
I'll be in Operation CookieCon PACKING mode. Yeah! I love that part. :)
And then early Wednesday morning, I fly to Salt Lake City and
begin an exciting adventure in the cookie world.

I plan to share as much as I can via Instagram and Facebook.....
so you can catch "up to the minute" coverage (HAHA!) there.

My Instagram name is: cookiecrazie.

My FB page is:

I'm not sure I'll be able to do a "CCChatter" post next week.
But I promise to give you a full report when I return....

Instagram photos for this week:

Not the best pics..... But here's my two fave dresses while shopping for mother-of-groom dress.
I bought them both (great prices). :)
The one on the right doesn't look very flattering......
but the photo is horrible and I really liked the way it looked enough to buy it.
I think I've decided to wear the one on the left for the wedding.....for sure. :)

Baby Girl's First Birthday....Great idea from SweetSugarBelle
 I know.....I know......déjà vu from last week. Come on..... It's FALL! :)

 Hard at work for CookieCon!!! I can't believe it starts next week. :)


Last week's chatter....

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