I just heard that Karen & Mike are down to a short waiting list.
So if you missed getting a ticket.....get on their waiting list
because the deadline for refunds is coming up
and they anticipate they will have some openings after that.
There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.
CookieCrazie's Week in Review
Personal Side
It's been a crazy week. I'm now "on location" in Florida and gearing up for a fun filled weekend with my sister, bro-in-law, niece, nephew, and one brief morning with my dear son, Keith. Yeah!
Instagram photos for this week:
Do you feel like you're there? That's the goal! (Pun intended. :))

All wrapped up and ready to take a trip. Can't wait to show you all the boxed sets I did this week....

Lovin' the chilly mornings!

OK Fall....I'm ready for ya!

Can you tell I love to come out to the porch and sit when it is pouring rain....and just enjoy. :)

I have good company now that the fall decorations are out.

Airport waiting.....always interesting. At least security was easy breezy.....except when she needed to check what all the boxes were in my bag.......COOKIES!

I'm not in Missouri any more. :)

Spent Thursday helping my sister at her job. She teaches 4 year olds in the Head Start program. Woah......16-4 year olds (some with special needs, etc) was quite challenging.
Now we can start playing tomorrow. Disney here we come!

Last week's chatter....