CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, August 24, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, August 24, 2012

I guess I'd say this CookieCrazie Chatter is mostly for my OCD tendencies.
Some how recapping my week helps me see what's been accomplished
regroup a bit.....
and TRY to slow time down just a bit.
I know......CRAZIE thought......but it's me.

Another week has slithered away. And we are rapidly heading into FALL. 
Even though that makes me incredibly happy.....
it also alerts me to how quickly things are passing by.

Enjoy the's only here, for.....well.......a moment. lol



Don't give up on CookieCon.
I'm hearing that some on the waiting list are getting tickets.
If you missed getting a ticket.....get on the waiting list.
You never know what might happen. :)
There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Everyone's settling into a new routine.
My baby girl, Allison, started college on Monday.
It's been an emotional week for her (LOTS of changes),  but I think we've survived. ;)

I've been busy making an assortment of cookies.
Yesterday was a WHOLE day of decorating. I LOVE those kind of days.

Our family has some fun things coming up soon.....can't wait to share.

Here's some Instagram pics from the week....

My baby girl off to college.....

Cookie dough in the refrigerator begging to come out to play. :)

Pumpkin Spice (non-dairy) Ice Cream.......yummo!

It's beginning to look a lot like.......................FALL! :)

BRP Box Shop is letting me do fun experiments again.
We're getting ready for CookieCon. Can't wait!

New CookieCon t-shirt......required a new hair style. lol only took me two tries to get those apples
to look just like I wanted them to in that basket.

Time to add the finishing touches to this week's bounty of cookies.


Last week's chatter....

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