Push Pops! — CookieCrazie

Push Pops!

As promised......push pops.

We were challenged at cookie camp to design cookies (and decorate the outsides) to dress up push pops. Mind you......we did not have the push pop in hand, only the dimensions. Yes, it was challenging! We had to envision it, bake up the cookies and bring them to camp....and then try to create it in a hurry once we got to there.

I had brilliant ideas.....but when I implemented them, I was very disappointed.
Some how what I envisioned in my mind was far from what transpired. :(

I made some plaid narrow cookies to have a vertical look in the push pop.

Unfortunately, my thick cookie size didn't work with the dimensions of the push pop.....so I had to saw the back off of the cookies....which made them very fragile. Plus, they looked awful. AND.....my decorating skills are minimal.....so decorating the outside of my push pops was a bust.

I guess my second attempt was better......but I still felt like it was so lacking....especially when I saw the other entries.

I decorated these cookies on both sides (let first side dry overnight and then turned them over and decorated the other side). Since it was important that you see the decoration on these tiny cookies and no control over where they "landed" in the push pop, it was essential.

But some how.....the actual result was lacking. :(

Here's all the push pop entries lined up together. It was so fun to examine each one and see incredible creativity in the group!

There was a tie for 3rd place.....first this adorable ocean themed one from Tricia:

And the other 3rd place winner was Lisa's wonderful S'mores!

Second place went to Kim's adorable bride and groom set..........

And first place went to Johnna for her INCREDIBLE cheeseburger set. :)

Now next week I have to get busy and share a bunch of fall cookies with you.....I've made tons, but time has prevented me from showing them to you. Before you know it, it will be November and Thanksgiving will be fast approaching. How do we slow down this train! ;)

Many thanks go out to Daniela and Aileen for allowing me to use their photos. :)
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