Scissors to Cut Things Up (Tutorial) :) — CookieCrazie

Scissors to Cut Things Up (Tutorial) :)

Well you HAVE to have scissors if you're gonna make a quilt. 

I didn't like the cookie cutter I had for a pair of scissors, so I printed out a picture of a good looking pair of scissors and made my own template. 

First I made an outline of the entire pair of scissors. Then I filled in the handle.
(There should be some dry time in between each of these steps.)

To give the blades a 3D look, I filled in the lower blade first and let it dry.

Add a lighter color to the inside of the handles. I thought this gave them a more "real" look.

Add the upper blade....

Add the screw on top of the upper blade.....

Here's the fun part. Paint the blades with dry silver luster dust. I'd always done it wet before.....and I LOVE how much better it looks dry.
(Make sure your icing is good and dry before you do this step!)

And the finished cookies......

Guess what?! I got a new camera.......both for my Ukraine trips and for cookie photography! Since I'm not a photographer, I didn't want one that I'd have to take classes to I opted for an awesome point and shoot. It's a Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS.
Ohhhhhh.....I can't wait to try it out on cookies this week. :) And it has quality HD you may start seeing some videos from me too. :))))))

I hope you have unmeasurable blessings this week.
I'm going to be VERY VERY busy (only 11 days until I leave for Ukraine), but I'll try to keep up here. :)

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