Making Sweet Tweets :) (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Making Sweet Tweets :) (Tutorial)

Along with flowers, snow, cookies, snowmen, and a few others.....I love birds. :) And you know by now, that when I love something, I will try to make it into a cookie. lol

Today I want to show you how I made some fun bluebirds. They are a little "wonky" my 17 year old daughter would say. :)

First I took some basic cutters to make all the parts. The wings are made from a pushed out dog bone cutter (courtesy of Sweet Sugar Belle and her brilliant ideas!). The beak is made from a small leaf cutter. 

Push all the pieces together to come up with this:

Once have to make the choice to either outline it in black or not. I did one of each.

I chose to do two different designs.....and hope that a few photos will show you what steps I took to decorate them.

I love the simplicity of the one on left....and the cute pattern of the one on the right.

And here's the final pic of those two cute birdies. :))))) Simple, yet sweet.

See the finished designs HERE.

I hope your day is filled with sweet tweets. :)
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