With Gratefulness — CookieCrazie

With Gratefulness

We preempt the showing of the Christmas collection for this very important blog post.......

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all of you. Many of you comment and send me emails......a circle of friends that I've never seen, but yet there is great fondness in my heart for all of you. What a blessing to have the internet to allow us all to connect in this way. And what fun it is to look at each other's photos and get a glimpse into each other's lives. :) I count it a privilege that you come to my blog and read my crazie posts......and return on a regular basis. Thank you!

And a multitude of thanks to God who blesses me beyond measure on a daily basis and has given me the ultimate gift of His son, Jesus, to pay the cost of adoption into His family. :))))))))

So here's some of those "gazillion" Thanksgiving cookies I did this week. :)

Another gobbling bunch here to say "Gobble, Gobble......Happy Thanksgiving!".....

And a group shot of my Thanksgiving variety......

I wish you and yours a very blessed holiday.

Now back to our regularly scheduled showing of the Christmas collection.............. ;)
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