Baby Girl Crazie! — CookieCrazie

Baby Girl Crazie!

Are you ready?

You know me and my CRAZINESS. I finally got an order for baby GIRL cookies and since I had to make so many, I had a chance to make a huge variety.
I had lots and lots and LOTS of fun with these. lol

I tried to make every cookie (except the rattles) there's lots of pictures here so that I could show them all. I made 70 baby cookies, room for many designs. And lots and lots of pink with a splash of yellow and purple. :)

Nothing new about rattles....except the PINK and the variety of colors.

Lots of bibs in every color and pattern......

Gotta use plaid in everything, right? :)

Baby stuff. :)

Onesies......girl onesies! I got a little crazie with these. lol

Random patterns....

And of course.....a new plaid idea. :)

I'm fond of these two just because they are a bit different.....

And here's my favorite onesies....especially the middle one.

My faves of the baby girl set.

I have another large set to show you later this weekend......but right now I have about 150 cookies to bag and get ready to send. Yikes!
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