An Autumn "Thank You"

 A friend ordered a dozen cookies this week to say thank you to someone. She gave me full liberty to do whatever I of course I chose an autumn theme since I've been itching to start making autumn cookies. I had such fun with these. are you ready for my FAVORITE autumn cookie so far this year????

You know how much I love to do quilt/patchwork type stuff, right? Well I saw these cute primitive candy corns somewhere recently and decided to give it a try. It seems EVERYONE has done candy corn cookies before....and they all look basically the same.

Well THESE are different!


Ok I know I'm having way too much fun with this, but I'm excited about how they turned out. :)

Here they are.....what do you think? I tried to do "gingham" on the bottom third. I like the one on the left much better because I think it looks more like gingham.....but either way, I'm happy how these turned out. =)

Here's the "Thanks" set I did for my friend. Have I told you how much I love fall????? lol

Next week I have two huge orders (well at least huge for ME......after hearing from the ladies at cookie camp.....I really don't know what a HUGE order is!). So I'll be busy making girly dresses, birthday cakes, and baby GIRL cookies. (I'm so excited because I haven't EVER done an order of GIRL baby cookies.....only boy. It's time to get out the lace and frillies. Can't wait!)

Needless to fall cookies for a couple more weeks. I'll be back. :)
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