You Did It, Keith! You made it through Army BCT! — CookieCrazie

You Did It, Keith! You made it through Army BCT!

My youngest son, Keith, is graduating from US Army Basic Combat Training this week. I'm extremely proud of him and wanted to do some very special cookies for his graduation. I'm going to put together a special box of cookies, just for him.....and then I'm also going to make a jar of mini-s for him too.

As I wrote to him daily, I would send him pics of my current cookies in the letters. The guys in his bay went crazy over the cookies and asked him to have me bring some. (Remember these guys have been sugar starved for TEN weeks!) At first, he told them......"Wait a minute.....I'm her boy, I get priority." But then he asked me to make cookies for his platoon.....all FIFTY of them!.....but then he pared it down to 25, saying that would be great too. (Good boy!) So I've made a bunch of cookies for him to give away as well.

Here's Keith with his beautiful girl, Kayle....right before he left for BCT.

Here's the only pic I could find of him on his Battalion's FB page:

I tried to make minis of most of the big cookies I made. Some of them were fairly easy, some were not. lol

Here's the cookies paired up. The chevron represents the rank Keith will earn to be come a Pvt 2 in the next few months.

My favorite of all these cookies. The MREs (Meals Ready-to-eat) were Keith's idea. He asked for a rifles and bullets too....but I just didn't feel up to something so complex after those girl bears I did the other day. ;)

Cookies especially for Keith.....I'm going to box them with camo ribbon. (I did the Hummer because in his AIT [Advanced Individual Training] that starts next week he will train to be a mechanic and work on them.)

A close up of my favorites. :))))))

I've got to pack to leave early Tuesday morning.....first stop is the graduation in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina.....AND then I go directly to Cookie Camp 2010 in the Smoky Mountains, TN. It will be interesting to try to be ready for both trips by Tuesday morning. ;)

I'll be taking pics of Keith's box and jar.....but I don't know if I'll have time to post them before I leave. If not, there will be lots to post when I return home. I hope to get lots of pics to share from Cookie Camp too.

See you when I get back!
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