Showing Off My Fam...... — CookieCrazie

Showing Off My Fam......

Yesterday was a gorgeous 60 degree weather day here in Missouri and it just so happened that we had planned a family photo shoot with a good friend, Erica. We had prayed for good photography weather, and God answered our prayers!

It's been quite a while since we have had family photos done.....and Erica did a fantastic job. You can see Erica's work at her website.

Here's my fam.....

I love this photo of everyone.......... except me, but I decided to lay aside my vanity so that you could see this cute line-up of all seven of us. ;)

The sky was gorgeous yesterday.....and I thought this was a fun view of our fam. :)

Hangin' at the

My crazie boys......

My precious girls.....

Even though I want to pull my hair with these kids that are either at or nearing adulthood.....I love 'em so much. :)

My second favorite photo of the day......

And here is my favorite. Back row: Allison (16), Jill (23), Keith (18), Neil (21), and Kyle (19). That's me, Pam, and my husband, Allan, on the front row. that I've had fun showing off my family (and using up lots of precious time doing it)'s time to get back to getting ready for my Ukraine trip. Friday will be here in a flash.

I hope to post pics of the cookies I'm taking to the Ukraine. First I have to make them and decorate them. ;)
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