Funny Combinations..... — CookieCrazie

Funny Combinations..... I did another funny combination of cookies yesterday.

First, I wanted you to see my latest bees....this time with antennas. (I can't believe I forgot them last time!) Can you hear the buzzing sound? :-)

More butterflies.....a little different colored one. It is fun to make them all a little different. :-)

My sister asked me to make two bouquets for her to give to some guys that have helped her fix up her house. Here's my version of work tools that I'm putting in the "Thank You" bouquets. I really had fun with these.

I love the lines in the screw driver handle.....they make them look almost real.

"Wooden" handled hammers.....hee hee.
The whole group of them with the thank you tag.

So we go from home repair tools to formal dresses and wedding stuff. Silly, huh? I've been wanting to try out wedding stuff for a long time, but never had the occasion to do here we go.
Here's cookies from my terrific formal dress cutter from ecrandal originals.
My daughter, Allison, said she loves the line running down the side of the blue one.

Here's some "tuxedoes". I'm gonna have to work on these.....they were much harder than I thought they'd be. I hid my really bad one in the back so you can't see how terrible it looks. ;-)
And here's my version of the bride dresses. Fun, fun, fun.

Today I received my shipment from CountryKitchenSweetArt, so I'll get to try some new cutters and the Americolor "electric" color gels tomorrow. I can hardly wait!!!!
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