My Flower "Garden"

It's been exactly 1 month since I posted last. Wow.....time just flies and flies, ya know?

After the whirlwind of Valentines Day cookies, I needed a break.....but then things got in the way and prevented me from doing cookies. The last two weeks, I've been almost depressed because I haven't had time for cookies. I think it is a stress reducer for me. It may seem weird, but somehow it is. Yesterday I got my "fix" and feel much better now. :-)

I spent several days last week preparing for some spring flower cookies. My friend, CindyM, shared the secret of great flowers on a cookie.....make them ahead with thick icing, let them dry hard, and then store them in a Ziploc. So....I decided to make several colors and types of flowers. was a huge undertaking....and part of the reason my cookie decorating got delayed. At first it was fun.....but it grew old over time. But now I have lots of "dried flowers". lol Hopefully I'll have lots of opportunities to use them on my spring cookies. :-)))))

So here's my flower "gardens". :-)
I've got daisies:


and pink and purple somethings :-)

Finally I was able to try out my flowers on some fun spring cookies yesterday. I've got lots of pics here (I wanted you to see every angle - lol), so hang onto your hats.

I liked how the small baskets came out....but the large side-view baskets were disappointing. They would have taken LOTS of flowers to fill up and make look right. Mine are pretty sparce. :-(

I tried an experiment. I love Nancy's Fancy's Cookies and wanted to try her idea of square cookies with pictures on them. The cookie on the right below is supposed to be a close-up of a basket of flowers.....but it doesn't look right. I guess you have to experiment until you find what works, right?

Here's some more cookies using NancyFancyCookies for inspiration:

Then I had an idea to make little plots of "grass" with flowers on them. They are little cookies that turned out kind of cute. :-)

Finally, I did some flower cookies. Fun stuff. As you can see, I had fun taking lots of pics too. :-)

I tried this double decker daisy idea of from TracyLH on CakeCentral.Com:
I liked how the patterns came out, but I didn't really like how thick they turned out. Maybe I'll try them again sometime with thinner cookies.

I'm hoping to make some more spring cookies, so hopefully I'll be back then....and not a month from now. ;-)
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