As you'll see on the video, I used two different impression mats to create the wood effect.
I pushed the mat face down into the dough and rolled the rolling pin over it to make a marked impression.
For the main post I used this woodgrain mat.
For the actual rectangular sign, I used this wood panel texture mat.
You'll need to cut out the sign within each pattern, but you'll trim the second one to include only the rectangular sign, and lay it on top of the first one.
(This explanation will only make sense once you've watched the video.)
After assembling the impressed dough to make the sign, bake it and cool it.
And then it's time to brush the entire surface with dry dust. First cover it with Golden Leaf dust, and then with Caramel dust. That combination gives an authentic wood color.
(This is also shown on the video.)
You can write anything on the sign you'd like.
Adding an embellishment like the mini pumpkin cookie (or piping a small one on with glaze icing), adds some rustic charm to the sign.