house tour — Blog — CookieCrazie

house tour

Christmas House/Tree Tour

I guess this is a little "off the cookie subject"......but I wanted to invite you to my house for a little Christmas least an online version. 

Not only am I cookie CRAZIE......I'm also Christmas tree CRAZIE. lol I have nine of them this year. I added two new ones. Oh my! My daughter thinks I'm totally nuts and drags me out of the Christmas tree section of Hobby Lobby every time we go together. =)

I grew up with a dad that loved to buy live Christmas trees (I can still smell them in my memories....). And since we had a nice A frame tall ceiling in the middle of our living room.....he always made sure the tree nearly went to the ceiling. Great memories. We had lots of funky, eclectic ornaments to add to the tree each year.

And when I got married at 18......I naturally started collecting ornaments and making my tree as special as the ones when we grew up.  As my five children started coming.......I would buy them each at least one ornament each year.....building a collection for them to take with them when they go out on their own. 

About ten years ago.....I bought a second tree.....gasp! I put it in our small entry. And since I'm super crazie about snowmen (!!!!!), I made it my snowman tree. snowballed from there. lol Then I bought a set of three small woodland trees..............candy cane tree, purple tree, and kitchen tree. And then when we moved into our new house three years ago.....with our very own tall ceiling......we just had to get a 12 foot tree to fill up that big wall. :)

Last year......I bought a tree specifically to hang cookies on to share with our guests when they came to visit around Christmas tree.

And this year.......I now have a nativity/Bethlehem tree.......and not only a kitchen tree, but a tree dedicated to baking and cookies.

So there you have Christmas tree obsession history line. :)

So come join me at my house. Enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds.............stay for a cup of coffee or tea. And take home a cookie from the cookie tree when you leave.
I'd love to meet every last one of you. :))))))))

(And please excuse the photos......I am getting better about photographing my cookies.....but not so much anything else!)

Welcome to our home......

Beloved cookie tree ready to greet my visitors. :)

Turn to the left to see my Bethlehem/Nativity tree.....along with a ton of snowmen down in the stairway. :)

And includes a peek at my cookie cutter collection. ;)

Purple (my fave color) tree in the front room.....with my desk....where I sit even right now, writing to you. =)

Back towards the snowman tree.... I LOVE snowmen and snow. :)

Towards the kitchen and great room......

The twelve foot tree holds all our family ornaments. God has RICHLY blessed us. :)

You can barely see my tiny kitchen tree to the right of the stove.....

 Try to ignore the piles of cookies on the dining room table that I need to decorate right now.......hmmmm. lol

Candy Cane tree...........never could get a decent photo of it. : /

Gingerbread tree.....also hard to get a good photo. The windows bring in too much light. : /

Stepping back toward the front door......the baking/cookie tree is to the right.

 Be sure to stop at the cookie tree on your way out and take one home.
(Boy.....I'd have to do a LOT more decorating if you all really came!)

Thanks for coming on this virtual tour/visit of my house. I love having visitors this time of year.....and I would love to see you all and enjoy the season together. :)

I guess it is time for me to get crackin' on all those cookies waiting for me on the table..................sigh

It's Lookin' Like Christmas :)

I've not decorated one cookie this week.......but I've accomplished my goal.
The house is now officially decorated for Christmas. :)

The main task was to put up my seven trees.....including our 12 ft tree in the great room.

Welcome to my home.......

 From the front can see the snowman tree in the entry, the bare tree next to my quilt rack (I'll explain in a minute), then my little gingerbread tree.....and then our 12 foot tree. I love it!

Our giant tree holds all the ornaments from our 31 years of marriage and five children. We've accumulated lots of ornaments in that time.....and lots of terrific memories. :)

My favorite tree.......the snowman tree. I've been collecting snowmen for a long, long time. (I'll be 50 years old in December....and have been collecting snowmen most of those years.)
I LOVE snowmen and enjoy this tree so much. :)

My favorite color is I started a purple tree a few years ago. It has been harder to find purple ornaments.....but some how I've managed to fill up the tree. ;)

Here is my smaller candy cane tree. This is not a very good pic.....but at least you can tell it has some candy canes on it. lol

Here's my much smaller gingerbread tree. In the smallest pic in the bottom left.....notice the bare tree to the left. That is my newest tree.....soon to be my COOKIE tree. I will be putting fresh wrapped cookies on it to offer to my guests when they come visit. (You are welcome to stop by. :))

And last....but certainly not my kitchen tree. Again.....another bad pic, but I think you can see it enough to know what it has on it.
I included a close-up of my newest kitchen tree ornament. :) I found the mixer at Hobby Lobby. It makes smile every time I see it. =) that I'm ready for Christmas, it is time to get into the kitchen and decorate cookies. I've got a batch waiting for me, but first I wanted to post these pics. 

I hope to have some Christmas cookie pics for you this weekend. :))))))))))
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