flip flop cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

flip flop cookies

Have Cookies......Will Travel to England and Ukraine

I had a fabulous overseas trip in June.
It was originally just a two week mission trip to Borislav, Ukraine
as I've done five years prior.
But then I decided to stay an extra week with my Ukrainian friend, Nadia.
And THEN......my friend Michelle invited me to come visit her in England before I flew to Ukraine.

Twenty-six days......my longest time ever away from home.

And as you can imagine......I had to make cookies for all my stops.

 My time in England was super sweet.
I got to tour some of the country side as well as London.
I surprised Michelle's family with some special British cookies.

Every year when I go to Ukraine,
I always take cookies to those to whom we minister.

This year we had our third annual women's camp.
The theme was "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes".
The Bible study I taught was on relationships and how we often judge people
before we get to really know them and their full story.
It's important for us to not judge by first appearances or impressions.
There's so much more to each individual than what we see or hear.

We gave each of the 60 ladies a pair of flip flops to decorate.

And I made them cookies to match. :)

And finally, I took individual cookies to hand out in all the Ukrainian homes we visited.
I decided to go simple since the time before the trip was so jam packed with preparation.

Now that I've been back home for a week......
looking at all these photos brings back such warm, sweet memories. :)

If you'd like to read more about my adventures, check out my Ukraine blog.

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