alien — Blog — CookieCrazie


Cookie Con: Cookies for Karen and Mike

I made some custom cookies for CookieCon to give to Karen & Mike, our hosts.

They are some pretty special people.....nicest you'd want to meet.
They've built a successful cookie decorating store, Karen's Cookies (that I use often!).
They are the quintessential of excellent customer service.
And best of all.....they are my friends. :)

I wanted to commemorate their successful venture in the first annual cookie convention, CookieCon.
And.....I wanted them to know how much they are loved. ♥

A photo complete with that wonderful Karen's Cookies address label and LOTS of yellow tissue.
(Don't you love it, when you get this in the mail????)

Karen and Mike's icons on Facebook and the CookiersRUs forum.

Congratulations, Karen & Mike!
We think your awesome.
And we're looking forward to many more CookieCons to come.....

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