Cookies for Charity — Blog — CookieCrazie

Cookies for Charity

2014 Ukraine Trip..... An Experience Like No Other

My trip to Ukraine this year was particularly special.
As you know.....there is much unrest in Ukraine.
There was a question about whether or not it was safe to go......
but Dave and I both felt an overwhelming peace about making the trip.
The door remained open.....and we walked through it.
And boy, am I glad we did!

Everyone we saw in Ukraine was overwhelmingly happy that we came.
In a normal summer, the region sees many groups come to help out in various forms.
But this year.......only two "groups" came (a group of three in July....and Dave & I).
The people totally understand why folks stay away, but in the western region (where we go) things are fairly "normal". Their daily lives are mostly unchanged. Probably the biggest effect for them is that prices have nearly doubled.

And so, when our Ukrainian friends actually saw us face-to-face......the delight was immense. 
And to bring such joy just by being present was worth it all!
The smiles, the hugs, the kisses, the warm hearts, and the fellowship were super sweet.

Every year I take cookies to pass out to the people.
This year I made heart cookies for all the ladies at the women's camp.
And I made flower cookies for the elderly as we visited in their homes.
(And I made lots extra so that I had additional treats for any one along the way.)

To my surprise, I found that many Ukrainians have saved all my cookies over the years.
I found them showcased in their homes!

These cookies are up to SIX years old!
To think that a cookie goes from a simple dessert treat
to a tangible "long-lasting" expression of love is incredible!
I'm taking a different approach in telling you about our experience.

Here's just a smattering of photos from a cookie point of view.
(You'll find a full report of my trip on this Ukraine blog post.)
With each home visit we took a few small gifts and one cookie. 
Here's the goodie bag waiting in the van for each visit.
Our friend's young son enjoyed his CookieCrazie cookie right away. :)
Here's cookies served in the restaurant for breakfast at the women's retreat.
(Ukrainians put poppy seeds in LOTS of their desserts.)

Cookies served at a small gathering of women after a Sunday morning worship service.
They are cut-out cookies!

Cookies in Ukraine are just like in the US.....they come in ever shape, size, and flavoring. 

This was the most amazing dessert restaurant I have EVER been to.
Their menu was at least 10 pages long......ALL desserts.
And yes, they had lots of kinds of cookies there too. :)

Cookies are AMAZING!
They are so much more than a dessert....
So much more than an art form....
So much more than a labor of love......
So much more than an avenue to raise funds for a good cause......
So much more than a small gift to others......
So much more than a fun hobby......
So much more than a way of making a living.
In my opinion and experience.......Cookies are LOVE. ♥

Cookies have proven to be all of the above.....and so much more.
I am so proud to be a cookie decorator......and so humbled to use it for global purposes.

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