Emmy, my granddaughter, turned TWO!
Time is flying…..we notice it most when we watch these wee ones grow crazy fast!
I made gluten free and sugar free cookies for my sweet Emmy-Lou-Who. Despite the changes in the recipe, she loved them!
There’s nothing better than making cookies for the ones you love. Take the time. It is worth it!
Emmy is TWO Birthday Plaque Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE
E monogram decorated sugar cookie YouTube video HERE
Two Candle Birthday Cake Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE
Birthday Heart Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE
Birthday Cake on Pedestal Stand Decorated Sugar Cookie YouTube video HERE

Her first bite…..

Then it was time to lick the sugar-y icing off the top of the cookie….

And finally…..Emmy wanted to use a fork. So Momma broke it up into pieces for her. :)

An Elmo alphabet set…..Emmy loves Elmo!

Emmy loved the doll stroller that Grandpa & Grammy got her. :) ❤️

Emmy loved the doll stroller that Grandpa & Grammy got her. :) ❤️