Wow....this week flew by, especially yesterday. I was planning to post the August give-away then, but some how the day zoomed by and suddenly I was off to work this morning. :)
No matter.....I'll post it now.
Ecrandal has agreed to give two amazing copper cookie cutters to two of my blog fans. That's right, as one of two winners, you will get to pick TWO of their cutters from a list of their stock on hand. Jamie gave me an idea of the cutters that will likely be available to I've put together some of their photos so you could see the possibilities. The choices may vary a bit, but there are actually several more that will be available to you too.
You can choose from all of these and many more.
(Click on the photos to see each cutter on the website.)
Samantha Gown
Emma Party Dress
Julia Formal Dress
Candy Corn
Candy Roll
Hard Candy
Plaque C
Wedding Cake 3 Tier Rounded
PeekABoo Baby (shape design and these cookies below by Susan of

And as I said, there are others included too.
So.....wouldn't you like to get your hands on a couple of these amazing cutters?
Here's two ways you can enter to win:
1) Become a Facebook fan of
Ecrandal and
Cookie Crazie.
If you are already a Facebook fan, please encourage your friends on FB to become fans. Then return here leaving me a separate comment telling me you did it.
P.S. If you're not on FB, tell someone about this blog and ask them to take a look.
Then return here leaving me a separate comment on how you shared Cookie Crazie blog with others as your first entry.
2) Send a link about this give-away through your Facebook or Twitter wall.
Return here leaving me a comment on how you shared the news of the give-away with others.
P.S.S. If you're not on FB, send out an email message telling others about this blog giveaway for your second entry.
You MUST leave your email address in order to enter the blog give-away. No contact information disqualifies your entry.......only because there would be no way to let you know you won.
Make sure each entry is a separate comment in order to count as two entries.
Entries will only be accepted as comments on this particular blog post "August Blog Give-Away....Ecrandal Cutters!". Comments on any other blog post will not enter you into the give-away.
Each person is only allowed TWO entries into the give-away (as outlined above).
The acceptance of entries ends at midnight (CST), Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I will use to choose the winner.
The two winners of the August Ecrandal Blog Give-Away:
August Ecrandal Cutter Blog Give-Away CLOSED.