Africa cookie — Blog — CookieCrazie

Africa cookie

December Birthdays......Need Special Cookies

Being a December baby, I'm kind of sensitive to those that share this month for their birthday. Christmas is usually the ultimate holiday with more celebrating, food, get-togethers, gifts, singing, partying, etc etc etc than any other time of the year. So when your birthday falls around Christmas, it is often not quite as celebrated and made over as birthdays at other times of the year.

My son's birthday (Neil's) is December 16.....and ever since he was born.....I've done my best to make sure his birthday is as special as all the other birthdays in our family NOT in December. Nothing resembles Christmas.....whether in the gift wrap or the decorations.....and CERTAINLY not on the cookies I make for him. =)

In January of this year, I tried a new recipe for chocolate chip roll out cookies for my son, Keith's, birthday. Neil was in Africa for the winter/spring 2011 semester.....and requested I send him some. Since it was very, very hot where he was, I hesitated to send him chocolate cookies because they probably wouldn't have arrived in their original form. ;) So I promised to make him some when he came home. But you know how that goes.....he came home the day before I left for Ukraine in June.....and then the summer got away from me, and then, and then. Fast forward to December....... Great idea! Make the CC cookies for his birthday. :)

I used the terrific recipe that Callye recommends on her blog HERE.

Neil was in Africa for 4 1/2 months at the beginning of this year. He has a huge heart for Africa and the needs there. TIA stands for "This Is Africa". That's the line everyone uses when someone complains or points out something strange while you are there. :)

My amazing photographer son gets a camera almost every time I make cookies for him. :)

I also made some more "girly" birthday cookies for Keith's girlfriend, Kayle......with another December birthday. I'll show those to you soon.

2011 is winding down. Isn't it interesting how you start thinking about all the things the last year has held.....and how to make the next year even more fulfilling and purposeful?
I love this time of year....
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